



How is your marriage? How is the relationship between you and your partner?

These are questions we often ask ourselves, and they are very pertinent questions.

Some people have been approaching their relationships in a robotic and cold way, they live on autopilot and believe that this is fine, as it avoids conflicts.

These people don't understand that this so-called conflict can save their relationship.

Living in a superficial relationship, without the strong roots that a marriage requires, is like walking a tightrope.

A marriage requires, as I said, strong roots, two determined people, and attitudes that are often more rational than emotional.


So, not only in difficult times, but from time to time it is necessary to get feedback from the other person, to know what he/she thinks about how the relationship has been structured.

Daily conversations make our marriage lighter and stronger.

In a healthy relationship, the couple feels free to share what they feel and think, without being afraid of what the other person will think, but of course always with a lot of love and care in the way they speak.

Mature couples have much more to do with the attitude of how both take the relationship, than with the age and length of the relationship itself.

Of course, time spent together brings maturity due to self-knowledge and knowledge of others, this is important, but that is not everything.

Always try to talk to your partner, be honest with each other, be friends, not just any friends, but best friends.

Don't let outsiders influence your relationship, even if they are people you love.

Always remember that marriage is an alliance between two people, this does not include relatives and their opinions.

Opening up about what the couple is going through to other people can cause embarrassment and disagreements.

Always try to find out if your spouse is well and happy. Ask him/her this.

Remember your mission in marriage, which is make the other happy and fulfill it with commitment and joy.

Even if the other person is not acting the way you want, fulfill your mission and this will strengthen my marriage.

Whenever you have a conflict, try to talk and resolve it, don't let it go.

Unresolved situations, when accumulated, become bombs and can destroy what we are trying to build.

Always be gentle in speech and loving to one another.

Think that if you are in internal conflict about something, even if it is not about your relationship, your partner may be too, be sensitive to the other person.

Show interest in what the other person does, ask about work, their day, get involved in the things that make your partner happy.

Work and achieve things, grow together, but most importantly, dream together, travel together, go out together, set aside quality time, and most importantly, pray together.

These moments made the couple's union stronger.

Prayer between the couple creates the structured roots that I mentioned at the beginning. Casamento

Through prayer and our relationship with God, we remember that we are loved by Him, regardless of our mistakes, and so we understand that we can also love our partner because he or she is flawed like us.

Above all, always take care of your marriage, as it is a gift from God to you.

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